Marketing & Communications


Lisa Trimble, Associate Vice President, Institutional Advancement

Public Records Requests

Laramie County Community College (°µÍø½ûÇø) will consider all Public Records Requests, in cooperation with the State of Wyoming's Public Records Act (W.S. §16-4-201 through 16-4-205). All agencies, individuals and companies must use our to submit requests. °µÍø½ûÇø will review all requests and determine the college's ability to complete the request.

Eagle sculpture on °µÍø½ûÇø's campus

Have a Great Story?

Let us know if you have an °µÍø½ûÇø story idea about campus events, students or alumni. Email ideas to JJoinerFREELARAMIE.

The Laramie County Community College Marketing & Communications department promotes, enhances and protects the external and internal branding of the college. Whether we are putting together a press releases, writing a script for a commercial, printing out a syllabus or approving an on-campus flyer, we want to promote all the great things °µÍø½ûÇø has to offer and the good work its employees and students do. Our goal is to provide a consistent message through strategic marketing and other communications.

The work of the Marketing & Communications team can be broken into several areas:

  • Campus Printing (printing, binding, copies, business cards, etc.)
  • Internal graphic design projects (course schedules, promotional materials, programs, programmatic information, online forms, maps, logos, signs including marquee and digital)
  • Web content updates
  • Social media account management
  • Marketing planning and analysis
  • Media outreach and coordination
  • Public information requests
  • External graphic design (digital and print advertising)
  • Photography (headshots and candid photos)
  • Media buys
  • Logo-use approval

If you have an event, story, photo or just an idea you’d like to share, we can talk through ways to help you get the message out.