Sponsor Billing

Sponsor billing is when a private or governmental agency is requesting a bill from the college to pay for any portion of your tuition, fees, or books.

There is no standard contract. Some companies will write a letter stating what they are willing to pay. Other programs have a special form or application. Regardless of the format, all contracts and letters must include the following information in order to be processed:
  • Student's name
  • Student ID, Social Security Number, or other identifying information
  • Specific charges or classes the company is willing to pay
  • Specific semester covered by the contract
  • Name and signature of officer authorizing the contract
  • Billing address of the company
  • Contact information for questions
*NOTE: Contracts are due by the first payment deadline of the semester or at time of registration in order to prevent your classes from being dropped. When the contract is received, it will be processed in a timely manner, which will post a payment to the student's account. Any charges due beyond what is covered by the contract payment must be paid by the student by the first payment deadline of the semester to prevent your classes from being dropped.

Mail contracts to
Laramie County Community College
Student Accounts/Sponsor Billing AM 147
1400 East College Drive
Cheyenne, WY 82007
Fax contracts to:
Attn: Sponsor Billing

In Person:
Deliver your contract to the Accounting Office/Accounts Receivable/Cashier in the Administration Building, Room 147. 
Please contact us with your questions.